Volumetric reconstruction for holographic communication and collaboration in AR
This project is realized under Magic Leap

Free viewpoint video for smooth camera transitions for soccer games
We propose a project in the context of the broadcasting of sport events. We present a new camera system which allows broadcasting of sport events from different angles, currently impractical or impossible. This is accomplished by using a virtual camera, meaning that the user can control a camera that does not exist in the real world. The user can choose a position of the virtual camera and a computer can then generate the image of that virtual camera, just as if there would be a real camera at that position.
This virtual camera system allows a number of novel applications. For example, the game can be frozen and shown from an arbitrary number of angles. This is currently impossible, because a real camera can only be at one place at a time. Furthermore, many angles can be broadcasted, which are currently unavailable due to the placement of the cameras. This gives broadcasters better tools for better television.
This virtual camera system is demonstrated for soccer and is presented in a PhD thesis. All results, text, images, and videos of the PhD can be found here: http://patrikgoorts.com/phd
Project website: http://projectfine.eu. UHasselt is developing only the interpolation part.

Setup and Method
See the phd text and papers for more information:
PhD (233 MiB, pdf)
Camera setup

System setup

Rendering method