ARDO: Automatic Removal of Dynamic Objects


Title: ARDO: Automatic Removal of Dynamic Objects: Exclude Moving Objects Automatically from a Collection of Images using a Consumer Camera

Authors: Patrik Goorts and Philippe Bekaert

Language: English

Year: 2012

Journal: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2012)




title={ARDO: Automatic Removal of Dynamic Objects},
author={Goorts, P. and Bekaert, P.},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2012)},


We present a novel method to remove tourists, cars and other moving objects from photos of monuments, buildings and other attractions. Typically, this is a manual process. Nevertheless, our method is fully automatic and requires neither image stabilization or advanced hardware during acquisition. The method requires a set of images taken from roughly the same location using any consumer photo or video camera and synthesizes the decluttered result using two phases. In the first phase, these images are aligned on to each other using image features and affine transformations. The second phase merges the images to the final result using a median-based per pixel filtering. The results are pleasant looking, even with moving clouds and trees, and outperforms other techniques considering quality and manual intervention.